Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Part 13 “Logistics”

I come back to my senses. Another blackout, did I hurt anyone?

There's the golem, took off both arms and then the head. Still some smoke rising off of it. Never seems to take me long to come around once the last opponent is put down. Shop area isn't too much of a mess, Syl is hiding somewhat clumsily behind one of the anvils. I guess that toss wasn't too bad for him. Mace did as good as I could expect it to given the circumstances; can't really expect a one handed weapon to do it's job as well as a two handed weapon without something in your other hand.

Where did the mace go? Not at my belt, should visit a tanner next and get belt loops for the mace and axe, if they don't sell those here. There it is. I must have been disarmed as I was blacking out. Hopefully I can still buy the weapons and get out of here without too much fuss after all that.

“Yeah, I'll take it.”

“I'm dreadfully sorr- wait, what?” He looks surprised, perhaps he saw my switching to the claymore as dismissive of the mace.

“I'd have stuck with it if I had a shield or a non-throwing off hand weapon. Under those circumstances, I felt the claymore would get the job done better. Nothing against your workmanship.” I can't help but feel my explanation is more just to hear myself say it. He still looks confused.

We head back to the front of the shop to work out the price of the weapons. All of the apprentice smiths are hurriedly trying to explain to Anton what was going on back there. Anton seems lost in the chorus of conflicting voices and descriptions. Syl tells them all to get back to work and we renegotiate the prices of the two weapons. His offered price is somewhat lower than it was before. I hand over a fair portion of what's left of my advance pay. I feel like I should help cover some of what they need to replace with the golem, but Syl insists that it was their fault. He even pulls a long-knife from under the counter and gives it to me, “on the house.

“This way you won't have to worry about an off hand weapon, also has some minor enchantments to make it more useful as a utility. Good for skinning and cooking.”

As I am leaving I can overhear the voices of the apprentices cleaning up, they seem to have forgotten to close the door to the back room. One is complaining about losing a bet about who would win that fight. Another is claiming that it would be impossible to cut through the metal at the shoulders of the golem the way I did. Yet another still is declaring that he can't wait to tell old Barleyhorn at the tavern about this one, oh no. I expedite my retreat from the smithy, before they get a better look at me. I don't think I gave anyone my name. Somehow, though, the bards always know...

Next is to check on the prices of food around here. I've never had to worry about logistics in The Emerald Dragons, time to learn how long I can expect to live off of what is left of my pay.

Good thing rooms and meals aren't nearly as expensive as weapons and armor, let alone magic weapons and armor. I should be able to travel for quite some time off of what's left. Longer if I hunt while on the road. I decide to wait on buying my traveling supplies until tomorrow. The food can wait until my armor is ready. Food can go bad, may as well buy fresh right before I go. I could buy some enchanted to keep fresh longer or self cook, but that seems rather excessive. I've dealt with dried or salted meats on long trips before and it would greatly extend the amount of time I have to travel before finding some supplemental income.

I go back to the tavern to settle down for the evening. My company has already moved along. No surprise there, shouldn't be too hard to find them again if I try.

I do some footwork exercises and pushups before sleeping.

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