Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Part 7 “Armor”

I enter the building that acts as both Dartac's workshop and store. The heat and smell of smoke and sweat hit me as I enter the busy workshop. Forges sit on one side with smith equipment neatly arranged nearby. Apprentices, mostly other dwarves, carry metal about or work on pieces of steel, or other metal. Pieces of armor, some complete, others not line the walls and racks in the building. Even though the area is so cluttered with metalwork, the apprentices all seem to know how to get around with great efficiency. All of the gear looks to be of good quality, some of it I would even call masterful, though one should expect no less from a dwarven smith. Martin calls out to him as we enter, yelling to be heard over the rhythmic clang of hammer against steel, or occasional hiss of red hot steel being dunked in water. “I'm here, master Dartac!”

“If you're in then get to work, the forges don't feed themselves!”

“I've also brought a customer!”

Dartac looks over, his beard mostly concealing a burn scarred face. “Give me a moment to finish up on this and I'll be right over!”

He finishes pounding a piece of steel into a shape that I can roughly identify as the beginnings of a helmet, and an apprentice quickly takes over where he leaves off. Dartac comes over, looks me up and down, his eyes stopping for a while at the hilt of my claymore poking over my shoulder.

“Well, I see you have a sword, and, if the blade is as fine as the handguard and hilt, it's a good one. That means you must've come here for armor, and you've come to the right place.”

“Yes, I only found your apprentice by chance, he helped me find your store. You were recommended to me.”

“Oh, by who?”

“The quartermaster of my company.”

“He's Leo, works for The Emerald Dragons, master Dartac.”

“That sounds familiar...”

Here it comes, or maybe he won't recognize the name.

“Ah, well, I'm sure it'll come to me eventually, so what do you need the armor for? Do you have the money for something custom fitted, or would you like something adjusted to fit you?”

“I'm off on a journey of sorts, so I'd like something that I can travel in but still offers some decent protection. I also need to be able to put it on and take it off without assistance. How about something at least grade one enchanted, grade two if you know a decent enough enchanter.”

Traveling alone puts a lot more on my mind defensively, with more money I might have decided to try for more powerful magic. I pull out a few of the graded gems I was given as payment. He takes one and looks it over.

“Well then, you're in luck. I practice enchantment myself. A bit of magic helps speed up the smithing and fill out the bulk orders quickly. I can have a decent enough suit ready within the week, how about we get some measurements. Martin, for once you brought in a big spender, get over here and let's let him be on his way quickly after we get some measurements.”

Martin grabs a nearby stepladder and a pair of cloth measuring strips, and weaves his way around all of the other workers with ease. While they take measurements, we discuss the specifics and price of what I'll be buying. We get around to discussing ungraded enchantments he knows how to imbue, when he remembers.

“...I also know an enchantment to protect against lightning magic. Now I remember, you wouldn't happen to be Leo Stormguard, would you?”


The Stormguard, defended the city of Stormvault a few years back?”


Here it comes...

“So is the story true?”

“How about you tell me the version you've heard and I'll fill you in.”

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