Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Part 6 “Muggers”

It's been forever since I've punched out idiots who think knives are weapons. Knives aren't weapons, they're sharp tools. That time it was a bar fight, still remember all of those. Hopefully they won't see the sword strapped to my back and run off. Stretching my arms a little, I approach. One of them hears me and turns in my direction.

“Hey, this is none of your business old man,” I'm not that old yet, though I guess they haven't seen someone my age fight. He waves his knife in my general direction, “If you know what's good for you, you'll turn around and leave.”

I keep walking forward. Oh, now he looks mad.

“I told you...”

His sentence is cut off as he thrusts at me with his knife, his movement is easily predicted. Stepping to the side I grab his outstretched arm and pull him off balance. As he stumbles forward I pound his back with my elbow. He falls to the ground with a grunt. That got the other one's attention. He takes up a stance, looks like he might actually know how to 'knife fight'.

Keeping most of my attention on the second mugger, I kick the first back to the ground as he starts trying to get up. Thinking he sees an opening, the one left standing rushes me. I grab him by the wrist and twist it. He yells in pain and drops the knife, I follow the motion with a punch to the face. His nose cracks with the blow. Grabbing his nose and staggering, the one standing runs off. I pick the other one off of the ground.

“You should be careful with knives, someone might get hurt.” With that I shove him off in the direction his buddy ran. He runs off too, but not before looking at the handle of my Claymore poking over my shoulder. I turn toward the halfling, “You ok?”

“Fine thanks, though I suppose I should find a new way to the shop from now on.

“That was impressive. You might want to be careful for a while now, though. Just in case those two were in one of the crime gangs around here, and not just a regular pair of thugs. I'm Martin, by the way, apprentice of Dartac the armorer.”

“I'm Leo, and I was actually on my way to Dartac's when I heard the commotion.”

“Then, I guess we can go together.”

Honestly, I'm glad he offered. After running over here, I don't know where I am at all in this city. This guy'll save me a lot of wandering around. Martin is a bit of a talker, and he goes on about how there's a lot of trouble in the area where he lives. Most of it is lost on me, gangs and thieves have never been something to worry about in the company. Almost every thief, mugger, and small gang knows enough to avoid someone that's armed and armored, more especially a group of someones. He asks me where I learned to fight.

“In my mercenary company.”

“Which one would that be?”

I've been in it so long that I always just think of it as 'the' mercenary company. I suddenly realize I haven't actually talked to someone from outside in quite some time. Ever since The Captain took over, it's been,

“The Emerald Dragons”

“Right, I heard they were in town. Well, if you're looking for armor, you won't find better than Dartac's in all of the town.”

I'll decide that for myself. I can hear him working as we approach the shop.

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