Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Part 23 “Girding the Stormguard”

There's not much to picking up the rations. My pack has a somewhat familiar weight to it, probably be even more familiar after I get the armor. Going to the various general goods stores and provisioners takes up the morning and noon is approaching.

The sounds of hammers on metal resonate down the street as I approach the building. After knocking on the door, and then again more heavily, Martin opens it.

“Ah, good day Leo, I'm dreadfully sorry but we're just finishing up. It should only be a little while, do you have anything else to do? I could find you when we're ready.”

“Actually, yes, I'll be at Dimner Glamerfont's goods. I have a few more things to buy.”

“Okay! I will find you there shortly.”

Martin hastily closes the door as I turn to head to the goods shop.

The smell has many different sources none of which I can identify, it's odd yet not unpleasant. The shelves are lined with bottles, jars, and small tubs of various ointments, potions, and powders. Alchemy equipment and small devices also fill a set of shelve along the wall.

Dimner is a gnome, and I almost miss seeing him mixing various... things... together with a mortar and pestle next to a large cauldron. His small stature lets his long beard sweep along the floor, and his face is wrinkled with age. He greets me cheerfully as I approach and even gives me a discount on various healing poultices. Dimner also advises me that, while they may be simply applied to a wound, they are far more effective when used with proper bandaging. Martin comes in just as I finish handing over the money for them.

“All ready, come on! I think you'll like this.” He practically pulls me away.

Dartac meets us at the door, “Now, I know you asked for grade two enchantment on this suit for the added protection without the added weight, but doing that properly takes time and when you came in asking me to hurry it up I decided to get creative.” He responds before the question even escapes my lips. “Now, don't worry, it'll still be the price we agreed upon, and it will still fit your needs.”

We enter one of the back rooms and fitted out on a stand is a full suit of articulated plate armor, some of the metal a soft blue.


“Only partially. Instead of enchanting it with plates of magical energy, I decided to make much of it from mithril. It'll give you the same maneuverability protection and weight as what I had planned before.”

“Isn't that more expensive though?”

“That's not for you to worry about. You are The Stormguard, who am I to slow you down? If you're in a hurry and you need protection I'm not going to be the one to make The Stormguard even one day late to the battle in any tale.” He smiles a little. “Oh, I think you'll like this part.” He pulls the kettle helm from the top of the stand and settles it on his head. It is not his size, but he straps it on. “Poke my nose.”


“Poke my nose!”

I oblige. Before my finger passes the brim of the helm a soft blue glow shimmers around Dartac's head and stops my finger firmly. I press harder but my finger, the helm, and his head are unmoving.

“While the rest of it is grade one enchanted with mithril to supplement, the helm is grade two and then some. I worked on this myself while my best apprentices and associates forged the suit. It also,” he pokes his own nose, “doesn't block you or anything you are holding, so you can eat, drink, or wipe sweat from your brow without having to remove it.”

“Won't the shimmer be distracting in battle?”

“Of course you want something that you can see well in. The wearer doesn't even see the glow. Your vision won't be reduced at all. Go ahead, try it all on.”

As I don the armor the first thing I notice is the straps, they fasten themselves as I fit the plates into place. Second, I notice that the fit is amazing, after so long using the company's armor I'd begun to simply expect the small pokes and prods of plate not quite forged for you. The distribution is also spectacularly well done, and combined with the fact that much of it is mithril, it almost feels as though I'm just wearing heavy leathers.

“Light weight and easy to doff and don, for one expecting to travel alone, just as ordered. You said you were also interested in a shield.” He leads me into yet another back room one wall lined with various shields. “Feel them out and I'll tell you what they do if they're enchanted and what they cost.”

I feel that my funds are growing somewhat low already, perhaps I should settle for one that is mundane. After going through many one feels fairly good in my hand and settles well with the mace in the other. It's a wooden round shield with a center grip, Dwarven knotwork and runes are carven along the border, partly reminiscent of waves breaking. Dartac sees me handling this shield longer than other and chuckles a little.

“You like that one?”

“Yeah I think this one fit the best with the armor and mace, has the best balance.”

“Take it, on the house.” He smiles.

“Is something wrong with it?”

“I've been trying to sell that one for a while now, but everyone who's tried it and liked has decided against it after seeing what it does. You don't plan on painting it with some heraldry do you?”

“Not in particular. Why?”

“I have to take a swing at you to show you, mind blocking it?”

Nodding I raise the shield into a guarding stance as Dartac takes a smithing hammer from his belt. He takes a swing and the sound of rushing water emanates from the shield. Misty spray splashes from along the site of the impact. His arm is jerked slightly though he maintains his grip after the impact.

“It's enchanted with the aspect of a whirlpool, swirling and churning to take incoming swings and deflect them further around, twisting the offending tool and possibly disarming the unfortunate attacker. Honestly, I'm only able to keep hold of the hammer on impact because I've demonstrated enough to know what to expect. Additionally the fluid nature of it makes it reform from scratches, gouges and cracks very well. Surprisingly though, the inability to paint it has left most buyers looking for something else. If you want it, it's yours.” As I reach for my beltpouch he smiles again. “No really, on the house, it suits you. Who knows perhaps my name will work itself into the tales as well, the one who clad The Stormguard!”

The sun is still fairly high in the sky as I approach the north gate of the city. Someone calls out as I head toward the road.

“Hoy! You wouldn't be heading to or through Timberfell, would you? You, with the big sword!”